Saturday, June 30, 2007

Summer Reading

Summertime is a great time for getting outdoors and having fun in the sun. But summertimes also has plenty of downtime. When the weather is stormy, when you're tired out from too much fun, curling up with a good book is a great way to pass the time.

For Homeschoolers, summer is also a great time to read up on some classical literature that you might want to expose your children to during the next school year. The more leisurely pace of summer can make it a great time to actually enjoy your reading without feeling pressured by the demands of curriculum preparation.

While there is plenty of good new reading material out there, going back to the great classical literature is always rewarding. There are many titles that you may be familiar with but have never read. Check out a few chapters on our Kids4Classics website first before buying the book. That way you can determine if the book is going to be something you will enjoy before spending any money.

If you have children, summer is a great time to promote free-time reading aside from what is assigned for school. Too many kids associate reading with school and then think that they have "graduated" from reading after they finish school. By cultivating reading skills during the summer months, you will also instill reading as a lifetime activity. With our kids, we use an incentive program to help motivate them. (20 hours of reading = trip to DQ, 40 hours = trip to Breakers, etc.) Be creative and use incentives that your children help develop. That will certainly keep them motivated.

Have a fun summer and keep on reading!


At 10:49 PM, Anonymous Extenze Ingredients said...

If you have children, summer is a great time to promote free time reading aside from what is assigned for school.


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